An ancient star casts new light on the birth of the universe (2025)

Astronomers have discovered an exceedingly old star at the edge of our galaxy that seems to have formed only a few million years after the Big Bang – and what they are learning from it could affect their understanding of the birth of the universe.

In a study published last week, researchers found the star during an astronomical survey of the southern sky with a technique called narrowband photometry, which measures the brightness of distant stars in different wavelengths of light and can reveal stars that have low levels of heavy elements.

They then studied the star – known by its survey number as SPLUS J210428.01−004934.2, or SPLUS J2104−0049 for short – with high-resolution spectroscopy to determine its chemical makeup.

They’ve now determined it is one of a very few “ultra metal-poor” stars, or UMP, signifying that it is one of the oldest stars ever seen.

“They are very rare – we only know of about 35 of them after looking for decades,” said astronomer Vinicius Placco of the National Science Foundation’s astronomical research laboratory NOIRLab in Tucson, Arizona.

He said SPLUS J2104−0049 – a red giant star with about 80 percent of the mass of the sun – is at least 10 billion years old and possibly just a few million years younger than the universe itself, which astronomers estimate is 13.8 billion years old.

Placco is the lead author of the study published in Astrophysical Journal Letters about the distant star.

The researchers used data from an astronomical survey conducted by a telescope at Cerro Tololo in northern Chile. It revealed the star in the halo of our galaxy, far beyond the main disk of the Milky Way and about 16,000 light years from Earth – much too far away to be seen with the eye.

Placco said the initial survey covered about 20 million stars, from which he selected about 200 to be investigated with medium-resolution spectroscopy using NOIRLab’s Gemini South telescope, a few miles away on Cerro Pachon in the Chilean Andes.

SPLUS J2104−0049 stood out as particularly interesting, and so was investigated further with high-resolution spectroscopy using the U.S.-operated Magellan telescopes in Chile’s Atacama desert, about 100 miles further north, he said.

The observations show that SPLUS J2104−0049 is extremely poor in heavy elements and that it has one of the lowest levels of carbon recorded. That implies that it is a very early “Population II'' star that formed from the remnants of exploded “Population III” stars – the very first population of pristine stars, containing only hydrogen and helium, that formed only a few million years after matter was created in the Big Bang.

So far, no one has found a Population III star. The larger a star’s mass, the more quickly it burns out, and it’s thought most Population III stars were extremely large and burned out long ago.

Most stars, such as the sun, are third-generation “Population I” stars that contain relatively heavy elements such as iron, nickel, carbon and oxygen. Those heavy elements were created by fusion within Population II stars that exploded as supernovas and seeded them into interstellar clouds.

Our sun, which contains around 2 percent of its mass in the form of heavier elements, is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old. Astronomers think it has another 5 billion years to go before it swells into a red giant star that will engulf the Earth and then shrink into a white dwarf star.

Placco said modeling of the conditions that SPLUS J2104−0049 formed under suggest it coalesced from an interstellar cloud polluted by the supernova of a single Population III star with about 30 times the mass of our sun.

The models also suggest that the Population III star that it formed from had a different fusion process than expected, which could lead to a greater understanding of interstellar conditions in the early universe.

The discovery shows the value of the narrowband photometry surveys for identifying ultra metal-poor stars and suggests that even more could be found, he said.

It’s even possible that searching in this way could lead to the discovery of a genuine Population III star that formed soon after the Big Bang, although it would need to have the mass of the sun or smaller to have survived so long without burning up all its fuel, Placco said.

Astronomer Howard Bond of Pennsylvania State University said the new method is a development of an early technique for identifying metal-poor stars.

An ancient star casts new light on the birth of the universe (1)

Bond has led studies of the oldest-known Population II star – dubbed HD 140283, or the “Methuselah Star,” after an extremely long-lived patriarch in the Bible – which is about 200 light years from Earth and estimated to be more than 13.5 billion years old.

He noted that while a star’s composition can be determined by spectroscopy, determining a star’s age requires knowing its distance from Earth with very high precision.

SPLUS J2104−0049 was likely to be very old indeed, and might even be older than HD 140283, but “it will be very difficult to actually determine its age because it is at a relatively large distance,” he said.

Meanwhile, the search for the original Population III stars continues: “Nobody has found a truly pristine star made only of hydrogen and helium,” he said.

Tom Metcalfe

Tom Metcalfe writes about science and space for NBC News.

An ancient star casts new light on the birth of the universe (2025)


Was there light in the universe before stars? ›

As the Universe expands over time, it cools, and hence when we look farther back into the past, we're seeing the Universe when it was smaller, denser, and hotter. So where did this light — the first light in the Universe — first come from? It didn't come from stars, because it predates the stars.

Do stars produce light for the universe? ›

All stars, like our Sun, send out a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation, including light. However, that light spreads out with distance, making it so that only a tiny fraction reaches us. In addition, depending on the temperature of the star, the main color of light sent out by the star changes.

What is the oldest light in the universe? ›

What is the oldest light that we can observe in the universe? The cosmic microwave background. This light comes to us from about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. We cannot see anything older than this because before this, the universe is opaque to light.

Is there a star older than the universe? ›

One study suggested that the “Methuselah Star” is older than the Universe itself. The Universe is thought to be 13.797 billion years old, with an uncertainty of ±0.023 billion years. In 2013, a measurement of the “Methuselah Star” suggested that it is 14.45 billion years old — older than the age of the Universe.

Is the light we see from stars old? ›

When we look up at the stars in the night sky, we are looking back in time. The light entering our eyes from these distant objects set off years, decades or millennia earlier. Every time we look at something 'up there' we're seeing it as it was in the past.

How is it possible to see light from the beginning of the universe? ›

Light had formerly been stopped from traveling freely because it would frequently scatter off the free electrons. Now that the free electrons were bound to protons, light was no longer being impeded. "The era of recombination" is the earliest point in our cosmic history to which we can look back with any form of light.

What created light in the universe? ›

When protons and electrons meet, they form hydrogen, releasing light. This is how the first light in the universe was born, about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. Soon, the universe went through a period of rapid expansion.

Does everything in the universe emit light? ›

Stars have a tendency to gather together into large groups, known as open clusters, globular clusters, and galaxies. You could say that these objects also emit light, but it's really just the stars located within these large groups that are emitting light. Most objects in space, other than stars, reflect light.

Do stars emit energy? ›

Stars produce their own light and energy by a process called nuclear fusion. Fusion happens when lighter elements are forced to become heavier elements. When this happens, a tremendous amount of energy is created causing the star to heat up and shine.

Is there a light beyond the universe? ›

Cosmic Horizon - The edge of the observable universe is known as the cosmic horizon. Light from objects beyond this horizon hasn't had time to reach us since the Big Bang. This means there's much more out there that we can't see or detect.

Do light years exist? ›

A light-year is so much more – it's the distance light travels in one year, which is 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers). Just one light-year away from Earth is mind-boggling far away.

Is there more Darkness than light in the universe? ›

Like the jelly beans in this jar, the Universe is mostly dark: about 96 percent consists of dark energy (about 69%) and dark matter (about 26%). Only about 5 % (the same proportion as the lighter colored jelly beans) of the Universe— including the stars, planets and us—is made of familiar atomic matter.

What was in the universe before stars? ›

Until around a few hundred million years or so after the Big Bang, the universe was a very dark place. There were no stars, and there were no galaxies. After the Big Bang, the universe was like a hot soup of particles (i.e. protons, neutrons, and electrons).

What is the biggest thing in the universe? ›

The biggest single entity that scientists have identified in the universe is a supercluster of galaxies called the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall. It's so wide that light takes about 10 billion years to move across the entire structure. For perspective, the universe is only 13.8 billion years old.

What color is the oldest star? ›

The color of stars from oldest to youngest is:
  • Red.
  • Orange.
  • Yellow.
  • White.
  • Blue.
Apr 8, 2023

What was the first thing in the universe? ›

The Big Bang is thought to have kick-started the universe about 13.7 billion years ago. At first, the universe was too hot and dense for particles to be stable, but then the first quarks formed, which then grouped together to make protons and neutrons, and eventually the first atoms were created.

Was the universe completely dark? ›

Like the jelly beans in this jar, the Universe is mostly dark: about 96 percent consists of dark energy (about 69%) and dark matter (about 26%). Only about 5 % (the same proportion as the lighter colored jelly beans) of the Universe— including the stars, planets and us—is made of familiar atomic matter.

What is the source of light in the universe? ›

Within these developed much smaller, denser clouds that gave birth to stars. The light from this first generation of stars, born some 12 to 13 billion years ago, brought the dawn of the modern universe with the birth of countless points of light that dot our night skies.

When did the universe become transparent to light? ›

Until roughly 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the entire universe was a thick opaque cloud of plasma of electrons and nuclei. As the universe expanded, it cooled off enough to let the plasma become atoms, and the cosmos became transparent. We observe the light from this time as the cosmic microwave background (CMB).

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