"""Module with base class for reference image generation"""import loggingimport osfrom pathlib import Pathfrom typing import Callable, Typeimport numpy as npfrom astropy.io import fitsfrom astropy.time import Timefrom mirar.data import Image, ImageBatchfrom mirar.data.utils import get_corners_ra_dec_from_header, get_image_center_wcs_coordsfrom mirar.database.base_model import BaseDBfrom mirar.errors import ProcessorErrorfrom mirar.io import ( MissingCoreFieldError, check_image_has_core_fields, open_fits, save_hdu_as_fits,)from mirar.paths import ( BASE_NAME_KEY, COADD_KEY, LATEST_SAVE_KEY, LATEST_WEIGHT_SAVE_KEY, OBSCLASS_KEY, PROC_FAIL_KEY, PROC_HISTORY_KEY, RAW_IMG_KEY, TARGET_KEY, get_output_dir,)from mirar.processors.astromatic.sextractor.sextractor import Sextractorfrom mirar.processors.astromatic.swarp import Swarpfrom mirar.processors.database.database_inserter import DatabaseImageInserterfrom mirar.processors.photcal import PhotCalibratorlogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)[docs]class ReferenceGenerationError(ProcessorError): """Error for reference generation"""
[docs]class BaseReferenceGenerator: """ Base Reference Image Generator. Subclasses should implement get_reference, which returns a reference image HDU, and a reference weight image HDU. Classes using this generator should call get_reference_image to get the reference image as an Image object. Users can optionally choose to save the reference images to a file and/or database. """ @property def abbreviation(self): """ Abbreviation for image naming """ raise NotImplementedError() def __init__( self, filter_name: str, write_image: bool = True, write_image_sub_dir: str = "references", write_to_db: bool = False, db_table: Type[BaseDB] = None, duplicate_protocol: str = "replace", q3c_bool: bool = True, ): """ filter_name: filter name write_image: write reference image to file? write_image_sub_dir: directory to write reference image to, required if write_image=True, defaults to 'references' write_to_db: write reference image to database? db_table: database table to write to, required if write_to_db=True duplicate_protocol: protocol for handling duplicate entries in database q3c_bool: use q3c for database queries? """ self.filter_name = filter_name self.write_to_db = write_to_db self.write_db_table = db_table self.duplicate_protocol = duplicate_protocol self.q3c_bool = q3c_bool self.write_image = write_image self.write_image_dir = write_image_sub_dir if np.logical_and(self.write_to_db, self.write_db_table is None): err = "You have set write_to_db=True but not provided a write_db_table." raise ReferenceError(err) def _get_reference(self, image: Image) -> (fits.PrimaryHDU, fits.PrimaryHDU): """ Get loaded ref image for image :param image: image :return: reference image HDU, reference weight image HDU """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_reference_image(self, image: Image) -> Image: """ Get reference image corresponding to an image :param image: Image :return: reference image """ base_name = os.path.basename(image[BASE_NAME_KEY]) logger.debug(f"Base name is {base_name}") ref_hdu, ref_weight_hdu = self._get_reference(image) output_dir = get_output_dir(self.write_image_dir) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) output_path = Path(output_dir).joinpath(base_name.replace(".fits", "_ref.fits")) # This is because Swarp requires the COADDS keyword. I am setting it to # zero manually if COADD_KEY not in ref_hdu.header.keys(): logger.debug("Setting COADDS to 1") ref_hdu.header[COADD_KEY] = 1 if PROC_HISTORY_KEY not in ref_hdu.header.keys(): logger.debug("Setting CALSTEPS to blank") ref_hdu.header[PROC_HISTORY_KEY] = "" # Remove if needed output_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) logger.debug(f"Saving reference image to {output_path}") ref_hdu.header[BASE_NAME_KEY] = os.path.basename(output_path) ref_hdu.header[RAW_IMG_KEY] = os.path.basename(output_path) ref_hdu.header[OBSCLASS_KEY] = "REF" ref_hdu.header[TARGET_KEY] = image[TARGET_KEY] ref_hdu.header[PROC_FAIL_KEY] = False if ("MJD-OBS" in ref_hdu.header.keys()) & ( "DATE-OBS" not in ref_hdu.header.keys() ): ref_hdu.header["DATE-OBS"] = Time( ref_hdu.header["MJD-OBS"], format="mjd" ).isot ref_hdu.data[ref_hdu.data == 0] = np.nan # pylint: disable=no-member ref_image = Image(header=ref_hdu.header, data=ref_hdu.data) # Reference images should have all the core fields try: check_image_has_core_fields(ref_image) except MissingCoreFieldError as err: raise ReferenceGenerationError from err if ref_weight_hdu is not None: output_weight_path = Path( str(self.get_output_path(output_dir, base_name)).replace(".fits", "") + "_ref.weight.fits" ) output_weight_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) ref_weight_hdu.header[BASE_NAME_KEY] = os.path.basename(output_weight_path) ref_weight_hdu.header[OBSCLASS_KEY] = "WEIGHT" ref_weight_hdu.header[TARGET_KEY] = image[TARGET_KEY] ref_weight_hdu.header[PROC_FAIL_KEY] = False if self.write_image: ref_weight_hdu.header[LATEST_SAVE_KEY] = output_weight_path.as_posix() save_hdu_as_fits(ref_weight_hdu, output_weight_path) ref_hdu.header[LATEST_WEIGHT_SAVE_KEY] = output_weight_path.as_posix() if self.write_image: ref_hdu.header[LATEST_SAVE_KEY] = output_path.as_posix() save_hdu_as_fits(ref_hdu, output_path) if self.write_to_db: dbexporter = DatabaseImageInserter( db_table=self.write_db_table, duplicate_protocol=self.duplicate_protocol, ) ref_image_batch = ImageBatch([ref_image]) _ = dbexporter.apply(ref_image_batch) return ref_image
[docs] @staticmethod def get_output_path(output_dir: str | Path, base_name: str) -> Path: """ Get output path :param output_dir: output dir :param base_name: Name :return: output path """ return Path(output_dir).joinpath(base_name)
See AlsoWhat Is The Yield To Maturity For A Bond With $1,000 Face Value Paying $100 Coupon Annually That HasSYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR SIMULATION-BASED RADIATION ESTIMATION AND PROTECTION FOR MEDICAL PROCEDURES专利检索- ..放射防护例如防护罩专利检索查询-专利查询网Who Originally Had The Idea That Heavy Objects Fell Faster Than Lighter Objects?Module System — Agda 2.7.0 documentation[docs]class BaseStackReferenceGenerator(BaseReferenceGenerator): """ Base processor where multiple images need to be stacked together """ def __init__( self, filter_name: str, image_resampler_generator: Callable[..., Swarp], write_stacked_image: bool = True, write_stack_sub_dir: str = "references/stack", write_stack_to_db: bool = False, stacks_db_table: Type[BaseDB] = None, duplicate_protocol: str = "replace", q3c_bool: bool = False, stack_image_annotator: Callable[[Image, Image], Image] = None, references_base_subdir_name: str = "references", photcal_stack: bool = False, sextractor_generator: Callable[..., Sextractor] = None, phot_calibrator_generator: Callable[..., PhotCalibrator] = None, ): """ Initialise filter_name: Filter name image_resampler_generator: FUnction returning a Swarp object for resampling write_stacked_image: Write stacked image to file? write_stack_sub_dir: Subdirectory to write stacked image to. Defaults to "references/stack" write_stack_to_db: Write stacked image to db stacks_db_table: Table to write stack to, required if write_stack_to_db is True duplicate_protocol: Duplicate protocol q3c_bool: Use q3c stack_image_annotator: Function to optionally annotate the stack image with pipeline-specific information after it has been stacked references_base_subdir_name: Base name for the references subdirectory, with components etc. photcal_stack: Do you want to photometrically calibrate the stack? If not, make sure zeropoints are being calculated in the get_components method. sextractor_generator: Function returning a Sextractor object for source extraction, required if photcal_stack is True phot_calibrator_generator: Function returning a PhotCalibrator object for photometric calibration, required if photcal_stack is True """ super().__init__( filter_name=filter_name, write_to_db=write_stack_to_db, db_table=stacks_db_table, duplicate_protocol=duplicate_protocol, q3c_bool=q3c_bool, write_image=write_stacked_image, write_image_sub_dir=write_stack_sub_dir, ) self.image_resampler_generator = image_resampler_generator self.stack_image_annotator = stack_image_annotator self.references_base_subdir_name = references_base_subdir_name self.photcal_stack = photcal_stack self.sextractor_generator = sextractor_generator self.phot_calibrator_generator = phot_calibrator_generator if self.photcal_stack: if (self.sextractor_generator is None) | ( self.phot_calibrator_generator is None ): raise ValueError( "Must provide sextractor and phot_calibrator " "generators if photcal_stack is True" )
[docs] def get_component_images(self, image: Image) -> ImageBatch: """ Get component reference images that will be stacked together. :param image: image :return: ImageBatch of component reference images to be used for stacking """ raise NotImplementedError
def _get_reference(self, image: Image) -> (fits.PrimaryHDU, fits.PrimaryHDU): """ Get loaded ref image for image :param image: image :return: ref image HDU, ref weight HDU """ component_image_batch = self.get_component_images(image) if not len(component_image_batch) > 0: raise ReferenceGenerationError( "No component images found for reference image" ) resampler = self.image_resampler_generator() resampler.set_night(night_sub_dir=self.references_base_subdir_name) resampled_batch = resampler.apply(component_image_batch) stacked_image = resampled_batch[0] reference_weight_path = resampled_batch[0].header[LATEST_WEIGHT_SAVE_KEY] reference_weight_data, reference_weight_header = open_fits( reference_weight_path ) if self.photcal_stack: ref_sextractor = self.sextractor_generator(resampled_batch[0]) ref_sextractor.set_night(night_sub_dir=self.references_base_subdir_name) resampled_batch = ref_sextractor.apply(resampled_batch) phot_calibrator = self.phot_calibrator_generator(resampled_batch[0]) phot_calibrator.set_night(night_sub_dir=self.references_base_subdir_name) phot_calibrator.set_preceding_steps([ref_sextractor]) photcaled_batch = phot_calibrator.apply(resampled_batch) stacked_image = photcaled_batch[0] ra_cent, dec_cent = get_image_center_wcs_coords(image=stacked_image, origin=1) ( (ra0_0, dec0_0), (ra0_1, dec0_1), (ra1_0, dec1_0), (ra1_1, dec1_1), ) = get_corners_ra_dec_from_header(stacked_image.header) stacked_image.header["RA_CENT"] = ra_cent stacked_image.header["DEC_CENT"] = dec_cent stacked_image.header["RA0_0"] = ra0_0 stacked_image.header["RA0_1"] = ra0_1 stacked_image.header["RA1_0"] = ra1_0 stacked_image.header["RA1_1"] = ra1_1 stacked_image.header["DEC0_0"] = dec0_0 stacked_image.header["DEC0_1"] = dec0_1 stacked_image.header["DEC1_0"] = dec1_0 stacked_image.header["DEC1_1"] = dec1_1 if self.stack_image_annotator is not None: stacked_image = self.stack_image_annotator(stacked_image, image) stack_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU( data=stacked_image.get_data(), header=stacked_image.header ) stack_weight_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU( data=reference_weight_data, header=reference_weight_header ) return stack_hdu, stack_weight_hdu
mirar.references.base_reference_generator — mirar 0.10.2 documentation (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.