The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

TO CAPITALISTS AND HPBCUUTOIUI. Uil I The RdiiU fVilliim ter leu llhrnday on her second voyage to Nor York, ifclfcm. crowded with pauengers; n'y lU on bcrd, and upwards of twenty cou not ntklbL berth. Besides taking out her full com-lellEwritof passengers, site carried out fifty tons of and innumerable letten and parcels. 1 lb IL cierheadi were all crowded to see her depart.

mJw o'clock wai the appointed hour of, ADVERTIsem*nT- To the MBittral'it and oilier Gentlemen, who in an advertiitmtnt have called a I'ullia Meeting of the. Colonial, to be held in Sjdncj on the Eighth of February nex t. GENTLEME Initio Petition which you have conditionally adopted, there is a certain great principle or fact omitted, which I consider essential. In tlio following draft of a ie-tition, that principle is embodied. If you should from the two Petitions now offered to your consideration, frame one which shall coiituiu the principle just mentioned, 1 shall be very happy to see it moved und carried by you.

If not, 1 intend, with due resjiect and ilvfeience to you, as the laudable promoters of a Public Meeting for so im-Krtniit a purpose, move the following Memorial us an amendment on the one you may finally determine upon. I am. Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble Servant, B. S. (We would willingly oblige Mr.

Hall by inserting the Memorial referred to, but ore so pressed for want of room that we are unable to do so, many columns of interesting matter being left out every publication for want of room. The Memorial has been inserted in a Supplement to the Monitor, and in the Sydney Gaiettcot 2Bth instant iOo.j T. WILSON TNI'OIIMS Ihn Market (Jardnner and BL others, requiring a snug retreat, that he lias been instructed by tho Pronrietnr, to offer litem by Privato ilargiiin, Farm of Thirty situated on the Punch-bowl Road, within ten mile, of this interesting metropolis Its contiguity to Sydney Market, the excellence nf the soil, tbo salubrity of the climate, and the ru. spectabiiity of the situation, all combine to render it one of the nvisl desirable Properties ever offered tn an Australian puhlju ft must be borne in mind -hut rapid fortunes are now h-ing mirie by Mifiplt ini; our market with v-eelo'i'i-s and, il at the' present day such be the what will be effect of the sending some Tlmusinds of E'nig'anls our nhnri'S annu illy Why, that the field, will be tenfold extended, and that any twenty industrious Emigrants, with small may ensure to themselves a speedy iiideiienilenm-, a onmnirrablc home, an asylum for llieir famtles and their old ago. Ttrtns made kiimvii on application nt the Offices, 74, George-street.

SYOIVSY AdtltAV0B ABElTaAMOB COMPANY. rHlHE Directors of the above Company meet every Friday, for the purpose of effecting Marine-and Fire Assurances, and iq Discount Dills Approved Hills not having more than six months to run, will be discounted at ten per cent. and those having more than six months to run, but riot exceeding: twelve months, will be done at twelve and a half per cent Marine Assurances can be elleaieil any day in the week, by application to the Secretary. Notice will he given when the Company are prepaied to grant Policies on Lives. J.

A. Secretary. Office, first Floor of Mr. Smart's Premises George-street. 4 Sunday Forenoon, the 10th Feb- ruary, by the Lord Bislinp, a SERMON will ho preached St.

James's Church, on behalf of the New Zt-atand Christians, who have been suffering from ine Influenzi; after which, a Collection will be made for the purpose of providing suitable comforts and clothing foi them in their sickness and affliction. rgp HE undermentioned Iiuinirauts, who 6 arrived by the Lady Afacnaughten from Cromarty, Scotland, have been landed THIS DAY (Wednesday), at the Immigrant Barracks, Bent.strect; and Persons desirous of encaging their services, aie requested to apply (without loss of time) to the Superintendent, at the Buildings. Married men. Agricultural 10 Carpenters ti 2 ''IPO LET, consisting nf Ubuut one linn-8 dred und Ihirty.f'iur acres, frnccd nil round, t'vuniy ticres of which fire divided into two I'aiiducks. with suitable Stockyard, A comfortable Cuttuge is erecteJ lln-rcon.

For further particulars, and to treat for tliu same, apply to Mr. John Single, a ljoining tho premises; or, to the Proprietor, Mr. John Smith, Solicitor, Hunter-street, Sydney. January 29, 1839. TO BE LET.

And entered upon immediately, HI HAT well-known Store, now in the 8 possession of Messis. Gard ft Co sinm'i-in Queen's-plaoc. George-street, consistlnir of Cellar, Counting-house, and three Stores above. For partioii ars apply to Isaao Simmons George.street. TO BE LET, For the term of three years and vpwardn, fgHAT excellent Iwo-sioried House, 3 situated in George-street South, having a yard, sis stalled stable, nuver.failing well "of water, granary, coach shed, nml oilier nut.

huildings The sunk story contains capacious kitcheo, a store, and an txtensive cellar thirty feet long by fifteen feet wide. The ground floor cimtains four roouis, one of which was intended for the bar. The upper story contains a drawing room, three bed rot ms, and a store closet there are besides two comfonahle attic rooms, and a bnlcony runs olong the Iront and rear of the house. This house is prculiarly adopted fur a respectable Inn, nr a large family. A portion of furniture could be let along with the bouse, or taken by the tenant at a valuation.

The lease of the above desirub'e premises is lodged in the bands of tho undersigned for inspection, which may he Been, and any further particulars made known, on application at the Offices, 74, George-street. t. wxxsoir. Sydney January 7, 1839. TO LET, Fur short or long period, AVERY desirable FARM, situated in Lane Cove.

There is a convenient College, and plemy of excellent Timber upon it, and a portion has been under cultivation. Any person who enn give security for llitir ni.ikinc TO BE SOLD BV AUCTION BY MR. JAQTJE3, On THURSDAY, tbe I4ih February, in tho George.street Market Builoing at ten o'clock precisely, previous lo tho Sale oi Government Town Allotments on that day, AlXtliat substantial ttvo-story Dwelling; House, of four rooms on eaoh floor, and kitchen on the basem*nt, willi yard, stabling, sheds, and well of svaler the use nf the entry from Elizabeth-street, situate on the side of Kl'libctb strei near Ilvilf Park, and lately known as the Settlers' Anns, now in' the ocnipalinn of Mr. John Lamb, under nn agreement, expiring ihe 2Cth of August, IRSll. nt the annual rent of Fifty.

four pounds twelve shillings sterling, payable quarterly- To be viewed by leavo of tho Tenmt. For further particulars npplv to William Mac, iu'ison, Eq Council Chambers. LAND In and near the Rising Town afi Parramatta. TO Bli SOLD BV AUCTION, BY S. PHILLIPS.

On FRIDAY, February 15th. 1839. at llio Royal Hotel. Sydney, at twelve o'clock, (il not previously disposed uf,) (PUIS following valuable Allotments nf B. A I) viz Lot 1.

All that very desirable Estate situate at tbe Field of distant only two and a half miles from the flourishing Town of Porrs-maltu, and adjoining the well known properties of Muffin, Eaj Mr. Moblw, and Mr- Byrnes- This valuable Estate contains one hundred and ten acres, foty has been clearoj, ihe greatest part of which is now in cultivation one hair of ihe property is leased to Captain Bayliss, which will expire in July, 1940. The situation is both healthy and delightful, and ill proximity to the town renders it peculiarly available for an Orchard and Garden, as there is a 7ery rich and well laid out Orchord of two and a half acres on the Estate, consisiing of orange, lemon, nectarine, apricot, peach, plum, Sto In the selection of which, considerable judgment has been exercised, the whole are in bearing. To the Sawyer, Timber Merchant, die this Land a'so holds out great advan'nges, as it abounds with timber of the irlost valuable nnd useful kind, nnd (here are two roads to the Property, the Kissing Point and Pennant-Hill roads. Lot 2 -All that Allotment of Ground, situate on the Windsor Uoad, and opposite lo the Catholic Burial Ground, Parramatta, containing by admeasurement one rood thirty perches bounded on the south by Mr.

Tunks's allotment south eighty-three degrees west three hundred and eight links on the west by a line north twenty.five and a half degrees west one hundred end Hfty.four links; on the north by a lina bearing north eighty-four degrees west two hundred and ninety-six links; and on the east by tbe Windsor Road south thirty-one degreea cost eigbly-five links and south twenty-tire degrees east seventy links. Lot 3 II that Allotment of Ground, a-lj iti-ing lot 2. containing one rood twenty-nine perches bounded nn the south by lot 2 south eigbty.four degrees west two hundred and ninety-six links on the west by a line north' tweniy-nve and a half digrecs west one hundred and fifty links; on the north hyaline north eighty-four and a half degrees east two hundred and seventy.ninc links to the Windsor Road and on ihe cast by the Windsor Road south thiity-one cast one hundred and fifiy-five links. On this Allotment there is a substantial weather-boarded House and a Smith's Shop. Lot 4 All that Allotment of Land, containing one rood thirty-three nercbes; bounded on ihe west by T.

Twra' alio ment aoutii two degrees east two hundred and forty-six links on the south by Mary Crummy's allotment east ooe hundred and ninety-one on theeast by Grape-street twohundred and thirty, nine links and on the north by Fennell-street one hundred and ninety-seven links. Lot 1 is a Grant from the Crown, at a pcpnrr corn rent. Lou 2, 8, and 4 are held hy Lease, granted by Sir Thomas Brisbane. TERMS For Lot Twenty cish deposit on the fall of the hammer the residue by approved bills of three, six, nine, and twelve months, with, out interest For Lots 2, 3, and 4, Twenly per cash deposit; the residue by bills at three and months without interest, will) eecurity on tbe property if required. Puicoasers to pay the expense of conveyanc Further particulars may bo obtained bv application to R.

G. sioffttt. Esq Kissing Point Road Mr. Nicholas Covillon, the Proprietor or, at the residence of the Auctioneer, Church. street, Parramatta.

7. T. WILSOW 4 NNOUNCES lo llio Capitalists of Australia, that he bus been instructed tn offer them, by Private Contract, the tindi-rinen-tiont valinble Live Snick, Land, and Properties, which, if not immediately sold, will be offered to Pnhlio competition on an early-day, of which due notice will bo given. TH FIIIST co*kSISTS Or Lot 83 Fifteen acres ono rood and twenty perches of ttie celebrated Five Dock Farm Lot 8.0 Nine acres lworooilaan.1 six perches ditto seco*kn Consists of two allotments of Land, situated in Kent street North, willi a frr o-age of thirty four feel eight inches thereto, and fifty feetdet-p Titian Three allotments of Land at Wollongong, situated in the finest part of the country, being lots fl, 0, and 7 of a former plan rouiiTii Four allotments at Appin, with au extensive trnntage to Churcli-sireet, being lots 15, 1 0, 17, and 1R of section 2 rirrii Thirty acres of Land in Pearl Bay. adjoining Ihe Land now advertised as North Shore Property, and within two miles of the reserve for the town of St.

Leonard SKVRfTII Two other lotsof the Five Dock Farm, measuring six and a half acres, and having a large frontage to the Parramatta Uoad and Bay EIOHTtl One Village allotment at MuswpII Brook, with frontage to the Church, and abutting on a inufked out street NINTH Sixty-two acres of Lond, in the enmity of Conk nn the new line of Bathurst Road near I he Pilgrim Inn TENTH One of tho best Dairy Farms at Brisbane Water, measuring one hundred and sixty acres, or thereabouts, immediately on the navigation, with a convenient house and other outbuildings erected thereon ELEVENTH Five hun-lred supcrior-bred Ewes, ages from ono. and-a half to three years, warranted never to have been diseased TWELFTH One hundred and nineteen head of superior Purham-bred crossed Cattle, consisting of Uullocks, Cows, Heifers, Steers THIRTEENTH A first-rate Country Inn, now in full business, and returning a very handsome income, the proprietor leaving from his pockets overflowing with a retail store also attached, capable ol turning 10,000 per annum, at a profit pf one hundred per centum Twenty-four and three-quarter acres of Land on the Bathurst Road, near the Pilgrim, distant about forty miles from Sydney FIFTEENTH Five hundred head of Horned Cattle, depasturing at Menaroo, consisting of one hundred Milch Cows one hundred Steers, one to two years old one hundred Hcifurs. ditto two hundred Oxen, Heifers, and some fAt Cattle Further particulars may be ascertained at the Office, 74, George-street where also may be seen the Deeds of greater part of ttie Properties, with Plans of tbe same. FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ACRES. J.

T. WILSON A NNOUNCES to the Agriculliirisls jL of New South Wales, that he has been instructed to offer them the remainder of a seven years lease of one of the finest Farms in the universe consisting of four thousand five hun. dred acres of rich land, a short distance from Cancpbelltown, and within fifty miles of Sydney. This Land will be let for the remaining four and a half years of the Lease, at the moderate rental of 125 per annum, payable quuru-rlv- One hundred head of HORN ED CATTLE may be also treated ir with the Farms, which have been selected from the celebrated Segcnboe Stock, and are allowed to be the finest Cattle in this Colony. To offer any remarks after this brief detail of the extent of Land and Slock would be, in the experienced opinion of the Auctioneer, perfectly useless; still, if the newly.arrived Emigrant oi Speculator in Farm Property should quire to establish a Farm, or a splendid Homestead, no opportunity ever did, or ever will occur, wherein may he invested capital with equal safety, equal prosperity, equal certainly of wealth and inde.

pendence. Terms are liberal, and all particulars may be known at the Offices, 74, George-street Dcitoent Oaten ag. vt T- WILSON HAS on Sale, about twpoly Ions of PRIME HAY, at 74, George-street. Detmbir 1839. To Agriculturists and Private Families.

J- T- WILSON ANNOUNCES that he has been honored with instructions to olfjr by Private Bargain, the undermentioned voluable Sections of Land, situated in the District of Lake Marquaric, containing by admeasurement 2 560 Aores, and distant only fifteen miles frum the flourishing towns of Maitland and Newcastle. Upon it is erected a Dwelling-house, with requisites for such an Establishment. One paddock of fifty acres is olearcd and fenced, and has been under cultivation also, a paddock of three hundred acres fenced, bounded on two aides bv a fresh water creek. In which there is abundance of water fn the driest seasons. This was one of the first grants selected in tho neighbourhood, and is adapted for either an agricultural or dairy farm, there being about eight hundred acres fit for cultivation, and one of tho most exiensivu Cattlo Runs at tho back, in the whole Colony.

Tho Terms are highly liboial, which will bo made known on application at the Offices, 74, George.street. J. T. WILSON HAS much pleasure in announcing to the Australian World, that he has received instructions from tho Proprietor, to dispose nf by Privato Contract, and if not shortly sold, to bring to the hammer on an early doy, of which due notice will be given, a Beautiful Cottage, erected on a half-acre allotment, in the diiurlsli. ingand daily Increasing Townshipof Wollongong, so justly celebrated for lis salubrity of climate, and as the resort of the Ami! ton of Australia.

The situaiion is beyond description healthy and delightful, and its proximity to the heacli renders It peculiarly available for exercise, either pedestrian or cquestiian. The snrrounillif country Is studded over with the or ihe most respectable part or the community; and ihu the purchaser should desiro lo recruit his irailh during the Sultry Summer, he can steal to his Cot, and, though in retirement, may by the excellent Society or the neighbourhood, be kept n.T.T.'i of in many parts of the Colony. J. T. W.

must not omit to point out the of in contemplation to es ab i.h this as otto of the Places ol this rising country, Wollongong so ong been celebrated for it. Sen Bathing. some of Ihe wisest New South Wales nave, years gone by, that it mini eventually be Brighton 0f Australia "nl 7 vegetables. aula aa'TptimMB' nd Pi-c lirs miy be learned at the 74, GP tea RSQj 0i Uui tn fas sail oftlt (Us die, ISM to at; i sit SJ. 1 id bs I si ttii nI ttii isu Inat in ks, tk) Ii til lud ten minutes alter mi; -5.

kren, and the Royal William proceeded on her Lip, amidst the cheering of the spectators on lli aiwall. Tin avenge rate 01 travelling mc no London to Birmingham is about tweuty-cigltt ito an hour eicluiite of stoppages. T. ha. thn husband of the late IS WIW'Ulwu LtioiuUhcd singer, Madame Malibran, is about Lbs united to her sister, Mademoiselle Garcia, iL.

rowers bid fair to rival those of the Kt. Le lamented favourite. FaaHCH Navy. me commission tsppuunuu kinine into the delects 01 ine rcucu m. i7 -r .11 tn fm inclusion that the con- Cioo, applied to the maritime departments, is sufficient rceiuiv ption a young man is only taken at twenty to L.

and he uuiU his ship in six years, ritas he becomes a good seaman. To organize Icbcols, give premiums 10 mm trcry means lor ...1 vice. when boys, is one grand recommen- -lk; EUon of the commission. Another is, to augment of the mv. after the legal term of krtice has expired.

I The coronation of the Emperor of Austria took Lace at Milan on the 6th September last, with dm iitrsordinary spienoour. I it Rv from Ja- 1 DKsnu 1 ii.iu. I Aillu ntinrentioes are. uica uic mm -i-r letermiiied at once to display their vast indepen i. oils' nil It, dence, wwm" ti lortioni of uncultivated land, have caused allot- beats to be made, for wMca tne negroes are to Lj by instalments, having awakened their vanity ft telling town tney may oecomc uiw gicui kropricton as their former masters.

That evil is odd MA UUCiOHlCU iiuiu iuui piwHiig Exfoliation acknowledges; and we may assuredly Epect that if the island is to be covered by small latches of estates, coiouiai proauce win uccouic lay scanty, as these sable landholders will have lo means of preparing their stock for the market. I THS ANC111NT uRKEK AMD 1UM1N 11ULH. he difference between the diet of the ancients lid that of us moderns is very sinning, me 4M.lta ami RnininE ticpil nn ulrnlinlin la Ik Cuor, it being unknown to them, nor coffee, nor I ttki nor cnocolate, nor sugar, nor even nutter Asl.n ii Iia hail seen butter hut nnm LI. Itr. Thou ur.iw iirnnrant nf th lumber of our tropical spices, as clove, nutmeg, Lace, ginger, Jamaica pepper, curry, pimento.

I UKU IKJLirct a.u., lor ipjnacb, nor sago, tapioca, salep, arrowroot, Lx potato, or ils varieties nor even the common, at a sort of marsh-grown bean nor many of our uits, as the orange, tamarind, nor American Bsize. Un the otner Hand, tney ate substances men we now neglect tne mauow, ine nern 01-mngue, the sweet acorn, the lupin. They used pailich Ltliip. cnrr.1 TVimv liLod lead a lah of wild asset, of little dogs, of the dormouse.

If the fot, of the bear. They ate the flesh oi nn. Af fhey were foud of a great many fish and shellfish, Kli i Lu ml i i r4 mica wc Don noiu 111 no c.ieciu. xucy cmpioyeu utioninin. rue and njuafretida fir.

liekM Viet and Regimen. rest Births- AtBrsidwood, Su Vincent, the seat of Dr. bdrl pomsi B. Wilson, on the 6ih ultimo, the lady stikl J. Jones, II of a son.

On Hondsy list, at Wollnonwolloo, the wife ia, ka Mr. J. B. Howard, of a ton. Marriage On Suurdsy lut, in the Wnleyan Chapel, 'srrsnuu, by I he Rev D.J Draoer, Mr.

II ii lood lo Mrs Leach, late Matron of the rimale Factory. B. 1 olta id pi sa Deaths. At his residence. Siint Peter's, neur Mailland, Thoraliy.

the 24th instant. Lieutenant John food, N. Oaths 7th of December, in the 24tb year of 1st ttr, after a lone and painful illnmn, Marv une Mr. Richard Nurris, settler. If Bong Boog.

sn! ABSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION. ittli ft inert, fiir the information of the Public, sates omraci or au tne rustic Salet whicn will lake flue from thit day't to our next miiutim, THIS DAY. ft: isihi 01 HEBBLEWHITE At his Rooms, at 11 o'clock, Merchandise. IR. WILSON At his Rooms, at 11 o'clock.

Panofortes. TO-MORROW. ll0l fa MR. HEBBLEWHITE At his Rooms, at 11 iR. POLACK On the Ground, at 12 o'clock, Property in Cumberland-street.

IB, WlLSONAt the Stores of W. S. Dcloitte aauto, at 11 o'clock, Furniture, 4c. yXT mHE STEAMER tljisl i UoTO WILLIAM will resume her trips on Thursday next and; with pis I the Sophia Jane, will leave Wt for Maitland every Monday, Tuesday, iicM aoo rrioay evenings, at seven clock fseistly, from Grose's Wnarf Ites Wkarfinatr, sena, esltii uisk Igeef i pertai Ml eM el iwsji U' ssil ff iosta rjsta link euli" deasf lis ft 56, 1889 For Port ph1lt.ip Tromddlnct to Mtlbmme, wiihout delay. TH well-kiiowo fasl-.

sailing tehooner Baa ST. G. Watson, Master, now Inulino K' Pliant 8lio. lflt if shipped with deipateh, and will roodau-PaiMngen. Apply to MII1.T HtKva, ii? Charterer, Mr R.

Reevet, ai Mr. I'nmei, Oeorge-atreet, who will be happy to EkJ of Plight from uu agenis at jtioibourno, as he rpests returning to Bydnev immedi.ately. POa POB.T PHTT.T.Tt. SeUoa S.wfa,, IA I0( of February, rriHE fine fast-sailing JL Ship 420 tons burthen, will com. Ikee- -wuiK vn ine in oi "wry, and his splendid aoeommodationa for "msiwhleh an lr MM to, tnaka early application to the Master, "card or, to sn tkosH OW.081I, Oomi rjilre(.

b. nue fasl-sailinf; brig S1MHOO, 160 tons bunhen. Dennett, EOtS, riswH p. "'r, win sail in ten WWK AORE. ms1 id PM r0 0WO BBCT FASBtSIfOBas.

Bin ii remarkably fioi JL fft.tiiHng barquo ruin LiatkM JMV "UBAIsJlfA, John RWiey, Comnwnd illfl ET3 nil's! atrial ni 7 wiioie of her ujcs orgo l0 Cip-n nide8(8 1.4 Xoer UtorytttrteU Time hundred and forty-nine Head of Cattle. Of. 1'. WILSON AN NO ES In Ihe Graziers of New Smith Wales and tbe Speculators to Port Phillip end Adiluidc. that he lias been instructed to offer ihcm by Private Contract, during this month, and if nnt then sold, by Public Auction, on an early day, of which due notice will be given, One hnnrlred und fifty Cows and about ninety Calves, liie residue in Forty one Bullocks three and four years old Forty -one Ster-rs about two years old Tbirty-firvfn Heifers about Iwo years old Thirty-seven yearling Hcifvrs Forty-three yearling Steers.

he above Cattle are depasturing at Bong Bong, and are considered to he the finest herd in the Colony they are from selections by good judges out. of tbe stock' of the greatest breeders in Australia, and are well worthy attention The Terms are liberal. Application for further particulars may be made at tbe Offices, 74, George.street. AS Ihe honor lo inform the Gentleman nf the abnve weatthv District, that he has been instructed lo oiler them hy Private Contract, during the present month of January, and if not then sold, by Public Auction, the rnsuinjr month, Twelve hundred and thi.ty acres of Land, situated on the Patcrsnn River, within a few minutt.s sail of the head of the of Hunter's River, from which this metropolis has com-mun'cition daily, by powerful Steamers. In calling public attention tn this invaluable Property, it is not necessary to offer any remarks to old Colonists, nnd T.

W. will therefore only observe tint to any newly arrived Emigrant, with moderate capital, a splendid fortune in oflVred joined to which, it must he recollected, that he would be 1 oca led in the most wealthy and popular District in the Colony. The are liberal, and alt particulars may be known at his established Offices. aaaJ at .100. J.

T- WILSON ACQUAINTS the Gents of the District of Yass. nnd others, that he has been in. structed to effer tlu-m by I'ry'ite Contract, until the middle of Pibruary, and if nnt tlu-n Sold, to bring to the Hammer. Eight hundred and ten Acre of Land, situated in the County nf Murray, at the Junction of the ItManslo Creek th the Yass River. This Land is of tbe first-ratf quality for every purple, ami Is in one of the finest Districts of New Srirh Wales Title A Grant from the Crown.

to Tradesxnon, Dealers, Ac, J- T- WILSON AS been instructed lo offer by Private Contract, durinc the month of rclKuary, and tr not then Sold, by Public Auction, on an early day afterwards, Tbe unexpired Lease of Sixteen Yars, from tbe 1st May next, of Two Shops, situated in Georgf street, now let to respectable tenants. The Rental of ono Tenement is 65 per annum, nnd tho other 4 1 2s. ditto, making a convenient and compact Rent-roll of 100 12s. per annum A small Ground-rent is payable upon the two homes. For further particulars apply, if by letter, to I he Proprietor (post-paid), address Mr.

C. D. Hivlock, Peterson's River; or, at. the Land Offices, No 74. 1ujcst fW undersigned has received in-JJ.

structions from the Proprietor, 10 offer lor Sale hy Private Contract, One flick Maiden Ewes 204 One fleck Ewes, four to five years old 3H0 One ditto, tlitee to four ditto 827 Wothers, three years old 102 Ditto, ycarlirifrs 203 I.amhs females of September 244 Ditto male 247 Rams 20 Total 1787 The above, with the exception of the Items, are the produce nf Ewes selected with much care and judgment, hy eompetcnt jnHgjs, from the finest (locks of the late John Maearthur, Esq M. the superiority of which being so well known, that recourse need not be had to the columns of a newspaper to sound their praise. The Rums aro a choice 'slection from the flock, of 11. M'Arthur, Esq C. ond as no words can possibly raise in public csilma.

lion these justly esteemed Sheep, A. P. refrain! from passing any unncocssary eulogium, but will merely state, that their wools have, even in the late depressed state of the market, realised the then enormous price of two shillings and nineA pence per pound. The whole are depasturing at the tfith River, at which place, or at the Ooulburn at the option 0fihe they will be delivered. Tcrmi and further pirticullrs on reference to A.

POZ.AOK. 500 MAIDEN EWES. A. POLAOK TAS received iiislmctions to offer for I Sale, by Private Contract, Five hundred R-wcs, about lambing with their first lambs, perfectly olean and heslthy, and warranted never to have been diseased. The abovo will be delivered at Goulburn, or Ihe Fish River, at tbe optinn of the Purchaser.

SiSXES BY AUOTXON. Superior IilBbly.flatstaed lonuon-built; Chariot TO BE SOLD BY AUCTItlft, MR" BOOKMAN, 1839 immediately tho S.le of Mr, George Suitor's EUnbeth-stnet, 4 II superior Lnndnn-buill Chjrini. h. Uli.i -i y'J or uiioru.sireet, Zl 7 "Rhter. lined sprlnff, Ik Veneti.n blinds, cllcpiio ipringi, moveable rum-We, patent Ac ln all respects the must elegant Ch iriot ever Impnrtcd, Terms Mulr.

TEND'aR- SIXTY HOSPITAL IRON BEDSTEADS heing required for the Benevolent Asylum, Persons willing to furnish the same, are requested to forward a Tender, ad. dressed lo the Secretaries, at the Asylum, on or before the 1st of February, 1839. W. C. AIIBH, Hecreturiet.

Sydney, January 21, 18,19. A COUNTRY PRACTICK, with Home, in a respectable and populous neighbourhood, to be disposed of. Apply personally to HUNT LET EDWARDS, 18, Pitt reet NOTICE TO CREDITORS. VIR. GEORGE SALT TUCKER, iTj! of Hinton, Smrckceper, having by DfH'ds reapiciively dated Hie I4ih nf January, 18.39, ounvi-ytd And assigned all his Estate and fttTicts whauovver to William Abercrnmlm', David Jones, find Andrew Blowers Smith, of Sydney, Merchants, Ttuttees fur the bunt-tit of the Creditor, of the said George Silt Tucker.

The Trust Oetd lies, at my Office for signature by the Creditors, WIX.IiZA.VI MINITHORFE, Solicitor Jot the Truttttu Georffe-ttreet, Sbdney, January 26. 1839. WANTS A SITUATIONS 4S BUTLER, or General House Servant, a steady, active, sober Man, who thoroughly understands his business, and o-in have the most rt-s poet able reference in the Colony, where he served several years. Commands for X. nt the Herald Office, will be attended to.

PARTNER WANTED. fHlHE Advertiser having a Sheep and Cattle Station, is desirous of meeting with a person as a Partner, who would undertake the active duties of a Station as above. Emigrants or Settlers wishing to invest capital in these lucrative pursuits might not easily meet with audi another opportunity. Principals only will bo attended to. Particu.

Urs may be had on application to the undersigned. J03n- bx. vii, jluctioneer and Agent. Regent Terrace, ffunter.itreel, January 29, ISS9. A GKNTLEMAN who lias established the Manufacture of an Article of general consumption, the Sa'e or which will be greatly augmented by an increase of Capital in his Business, is desirous of forming a Partnership with a respectable Party who can command a sum not less tban 1500 Applications made by letter- post.

paid, to at the Office of the Sydney Herat.i, will receive immediate attention WANTED. A SURGEON, lo proceed with tlm Ship Huhemy lo China and England Apply to A. B. GPAn.rc. WANT SITUATIONS, A RESPECTABE Man and his Wife, who have been a short time in the Col ony.

The man thoroughly understands Farming in general, and could with confidence undeitake the entire management of a Farm; and his wife would undertake the management nf a Dairy, which she thoroughly understands Direct to Herald Office. SHEPHERDS- WANTED Two good Shepherds. Apply to OaVaVBOW. Invermtin, Huntert Rher. Drunkards need not apply.

WANTS A SITUATION. A RESPECTABLE Younjr Man wishes to obtain a situation aa Suprrin. tendent. The advertiser is fully competent in the management nf Sheep and Cattle, and Agricultural pursuits, having nearly, six years experience in this Colony, as well as England. He would have no objection to proceed to Port Phillip or Australia.

Reference as to character can be obtained if required. Letters post-paid, to at the Office of the Sydneu Herald LODGINGS WANTED. BY a Genlleman of quiet and regular habits i where no oilier lodgers are kept would be prefered. Terms moderate. Apply by letter, to X.

P. at the Herald Office. REWARD. OTOLEN or STRAYED, a chestnut MOUSE, nearsiiteen hands high, branded off shoulder, four years old was last seen at Mr. Chilcott's Station, near Woughbry Hollow, If found and delivered to Mr.

John Danger, Dartbrook; or, Mr. Thomas Dangar, Saint Aubin's, near the Township of Scone, Three Pounds will be paid if Stolen, a reward of Five Pounds will bo given by the above-named parties, by prosecuting tn ennvlotion, Whoever detains the Horse after this noiioe will be prosecuted to the utmost rigour of the law. St. Auhin't, janmiry 25, 1839. FIVE FOUNDS REWARD.

STRAYED, from Galons, in the latter end of November, the following Horses, vii i One bay Mare, aged, black points, standi about fourteen hands high, small star on forehead, hianded on the near side of ribs when seen last bad a young foal One bay Mare, aged, black points, stands about fifteen bands two inches high, a little white down Via face, slight appearance of old saddle marks, branded nn the tiff side of neck whrn seen last had a young foal Tiro black Fillies, one year old, branded on the near shoulder Any Person bilnulng the said or sen tn Mr. Edmund Hyan, Galnng; Mr. David Dillon, Wollongong nr, to me, at Appin, ahall receive the above Reward. enow Jan hot 22 1 839. barm Overseers 4 House Servant I Stonemason I Music Teacher it.

1 Shoemaker I Shepherds 12 Ploughmen 2 Wheelwright I 35 SINGLE MX M. Agricultural Laborers It I Carpenters 2 Clerk and Sheep Farmer 1 Farm Overseers 2 Grocer Stonemason Ploughmen 3 Shepherds 6 Saddler Tailor Watchmaker SI NOLI WOMEN Dairy mail) Dressmaker Farm Servants House Servants, of all work Laundress Lady's Maid J. DBNHAM immigration Office January .10, )H39 Floral and Horticultural BooKty. Members of this Society, and A lha Public in general are respectfully ie-' foimeil that the next Show of Flowers, Fruit, and Vegetables, will be held on Wednesday, the 1 February, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel. A Silver Cup of the value of Tto Pounds will be awarded for the best sample of Wipe Grapes, and other prizes to the amount of Twenty Pounds, for the best specimens of nuwers, rrum, ana vegetaDies.

ine Saloon will be open to the Public at twelve o'clock. Cards of admission may be obtained gratuitously, on application to Mr. W. ijmirt, or Mr. John Rickards, George-S' reel or Mr.

Joseph Kenyon, Woodlands, near Parramatia. B. Prises will not be awarded to any but the productions of the Exhibitors. dFascijtonatile Dancing. MR.

CLARK BEGS leave to intimate to his Friends, and the Public of Sydney and Parramatta, that he has re-opened his Classes in bis Academy, Macquaric-strett, Sydney and Pariamaua, as usual. Private Families and Boarding Schools punctually attended to. itfurouarie-sfrMf, Sydney I January 21, 1839. i Binnle'a Saddle and Karnesa Manufactory, Oeorge-itreor, BINNIE RESPECTFULLY acquaints her Patron and the Public, that she has received (from one of the besi maker's in London) by a recent arrival, a large addition to her previous Stock, which now consists of Rot Town.mado Chariot, Tsndcra, and Gig Harness Ladies' and Genii, men's beat Somerset Saddles Hunting and Side Saddles of all descriptions Compute sets of travelling Appointment Four-horse, Tandem. Carriage, Gig, Hunting, Jockey, and Ladies' Whips, from the celebrated house of J.

Ik Skinner A variety of Hnrsc Clothing Gig and Carriage Mats, With everything required in the Trade At the atorea of trie TJnderalgned, AYLOR'S PORTER, in ho-sheads Allsnn'a Pale Air. In ditto Ditto ditto bottled, in three Hntcn casks Dunbar's Ale and Porter, in ditto Superior Champagne, In one doien cases Ditto Claret and Sauierne Khenlsh Wine, of first qualities, in one doien eases. Hockheim, of vintage! IBI lfi-22, and IR34 Ma'oobonnn and Rudesheim, 1822 and 1831 Nierstien and Moselle, ditto Cherry Brandy, In oases (of twenty-four pints) Geneva and Hollands, in diltn Brandy (first qualities and brandr)in barrels and hogsheads Champagne ditto, In easel Jamaica Rum (proof to tent)-five over) in hogsheads and puncheon) Gin, in pipes and hogsheads Sherry and Port Wines. In three doien cases Sherry, in hogsheads and quarter.oaskl Hronti and Bcneearle Wine, in ditto Cape Wlno, In pipes, hogsheads, and quarter-casks Ncgrohcail Tobacco, In kegs and lleices Colonial diltn Hysonskin Mauritius and Java Sugar Soap, in twenty.eight and fifty six pound boxca Every description of Slop Clothlag Seven quarter, eight.qunrter, and nine-quarter medium and super Blankets Woolpaeka and Wuolhaiging, Twine, o. Two and iliria-buhel Sacks Rock, Liverpool, and American Salt Asri.vaia, laownii oo.

ChnrMti.plict MESSRS. IRVING LAMB Jtwtlltrtand Watchmakm, Otorgt itrttt, HAVE received a few cases of Britannia Metal Goods, from themanu. factory of Messrs. Dixon and Sons, Sheffield warranted to ktrp their shape Hid color. permanent improvements may have it upon very eavaniagecus terms.

Apply to B. A- SaYANT CO TO LET, A MAITLAND, TH capacious and commodious Premises lately occupied by Mr. T. B. Humphrey.

These Prem ses are well adapted for carrying on cstensive Mercantile Businrss, or for a first. rate Tavern they consist of a large Store, capacious Cellars, an excellent and convenient Dwelling-house, good and eitensive Siabling, and a large Yard, abutting on the navi. gable part of the River Hunter. Apply to B. A.

SB.TANT A CO. TO LET, fOR FFfi OH SEVEN YEARS, EVEN Thousand Acres of Land, in the Countv of Brishaoe, with a good Cottage, Garden, Orchard, upon it, and a number of Paddocks fenced. For further particulars apply to Mr. Little, Invermein, Hunter's liiver. TO LUT, itr NEWTOWN VALE, A COTTAGE of five Rooms, detached Kitchen, Stable, and Garden.

Rent Fourteen Shillings per week. Enquire of Bucknell, Newtown. TO- LET, -on the waterside. J- T. WILSON A NNOUNCES to Capitalists, Mer-chants Tradesmen, and Invalids, that he his been instructed by ihe Proprietor to Let, on the most reasonable terms imaginable, a beautifully sequestered Cottage, with' some ten acres of land, lo of which form a garden well Slocked with fruit trees in full bearing, and upon which is one of ihe best wells of water in ihe Colony i there is also a stock-yard, piustyes, and many other conveniences, too numerous to par.

ticu'arise. The whole is delightfully situated within two mih-sof Sydney, on the Banks nf the Parramatta River, where picturesque views and pannramio scenery may chase away care, and leave nought but pleasing imaginations behind. Any further particulars can be had on application at the Officii. No 74. dfor SaU.

PXTENSIVE and Valuable Property, ILli to be sold at Bathurst, with comfortable Family Residence, Outhouses, Sioi, com-prising Two thousand Acres ol Land upon he Platn, and only about six miles from the Township. Also, about Five thousand live hundred Sheep, and Seven hundred Head of Cattle. The runs and men will be transferred with the same also One thousand Acres of Land adjoining the said Two thousand, will be leased upon the same advantageous terma as it is now held. For particulars, apply at the Offices of Messrs. Dawe, Montefiores, Brilliat Co.

and Smart. rarm Sbeep, Cattle, Horses. Id tbe Immediate vlelnltjr of tbe Towd-antp of Batbnrst. FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, "NE thousand Acres of excellent Land, admirably adapted for cultivation and graung or dairy purposes on which there are four paddocks enclosed for cultivation, containing about sixty acres of excellent land, all clear and partly stumped a Urge graiing puddock of about one hundred acres, a slabbed and shingled cottage, capable of being made a comfortable rei. deuce, men's hut, dairy, stockyard, stable, Ac.

Situated about seven miles from the tonnshipf Bathurst, by a good road, in a highly respectablo neighbourhood, being in the immediate vicinity o. the estates of General Stewart, Messrs. Went-worth, Park, Haljen, and Liscombe. The situation for a residence is highly ptc turesque and beautiful, and there is an extensive back run for stock sqoqred to tho farm by lease. A herd of about four hundred head of choice Dairy Cattle used to run on tho above land.

About three thousatid Sheep, consisting tea, Limbs, and Wethers, of first quality of wool, elean and free rrom all disease. Horses, Mares, working Drays, Plough, Harrows, To be sold together, nr as may suit Purchasers. Terms liberal apply, if by letter post-paid, to Messrs. G.Waserand W. Wilson, Bathurst.

J. T- WILSON -s. HA lieon instructed lo offer tho S'L1" Sheep, which, it not Sold by Contract, will be brought to the hammer on an early day in February tl Two hundred Maiden Ewes One hundred and fifty Wethers, depasturing at Castlercagh.Rivir 6 One hundred and levunty.elght Wethers Six hundred and eighty-four Ewes, two to five yean, depasturing at Yiss Ten Saion Merino Rims PIANOFORTES. T. WILSON Informs the Ladies of Australia, add the Musical World generally, thu lie has been instructed to offer them by Puhlic Cnmnetitinn, at his established lloms, No.

74, TH13 DAY, the 30th day of January, l)9, at half past ten for eleven o'olook, and by order of tho Proprietor, being to olnsc accounts, NE PIANOFORTE, Metallic PlaW, six Octaves, in an elegant Mahogany Case One ditto dittn Aittn Ai.t rf Ono ditiu ditto, with Eliptio front, carved legs and lyre pedal Ono ditto ditto id handsome' Rosewood Case, with open fretwork. Immediately after which, One splendid Grand Piano, by Clvmentl One squire ditto ditto superior tone, line louoh, by Bruadwood One ditto in Mahogany ease, tplendid tone, by Butcher 3 One ditto ditto in ditto, neatly mniuled, fine touch, by Stoddard. Termi at Sale. Double-barrelled If 'earing Apparel, Writing Desks, Sf c-i late the Effects of a Gentleman who died on his passage to the Colony. to BE SOLDBY AUCTION, BY W.

HEBBLEWHITE, AVihJv Lower George.slreet, THIS DAY, the SOili instant, at eleven o'clock precisely, MATTRESS Two Pillowi One Macintosh Coat Great variety of Wearing Apparel Silk Handkerchiefs, One pair Pisiols Double-barrelled Gun Price Medal Oneiilvir Witch, with Chain, two Guard Sit Gold Rings One Rronch, Seal and Key Six Silver Table Spnnns Eleven ditto Tea ditto One Deiiert ditto One pair Sugar Tongi One ue ntalnlcg a choice seleotUh nf thai Writing Desk, Dressing Case, Ciicdiil Cate, Hick gammon Board with a great variety of Articles too numerous to ptriiculstisi in air advertisem*nt, Terms Cash..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.